Roberson, Dr. Lee E

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 Also some of these files are large. Please take note that books listed here are to be looked at and read

in the light of the Holy Spirit and follow Acts 17:11.  Be guided by the Lord God in your perusal.


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Over 500 missionaries were sent forth throughout the world to preach the Gospel during Brother Roberson's

40 1/2 loyal years as pastor of the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Amen and amen!



Dr Roberson.docx

Faith For A New Year.docx

Faith For A New Year.pdf

Have Faith in God.docx

Have Faith In God.pdf 

Lee Edward Roberson.docx

Some Golden Daybreak.docx

Some Golden Daybreak.pdf

Stir Up the Gift of God.docx

Stir Up the Gift of God.pdf

The Shield of Faith.docx

The Shield of Faith.pdf

What Held Jesus to the Cross.docx

What Held Jesus to the Cross.pdf