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As with all things pertaining unto scripture we must look to Acts 17:11

11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, 

for they received the message with great eagerness and examined

 the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." NIV


Books List

Some of these books are in a zipped format requiring an extractor which most operating systems provide.

The other formats are PDF, DOC, MP3. All books are either freely offered on the internet or in the public domain.

If something is found and disputed please email the administrator and it will be taken care of. 

 Also some of these files are large. Please take note that books listed here are to be looked at and read

in the light of the Holy Spirit and follow Acts 17:11.  Be guided by the Lord God in your perusal.



Adams, Ron
Allen, A. A.
Anderson, Robert Sir
Arnold, Eberhard
Arnold, J Heinrich
Arnold, Johann C

Bahnsen, Greg L.
Baker, H. A.
Baird, David
Bastow, James Austin
Baxter, Mary K
Baxter, Richard
Bellett J. G.
Berkof, Louis
Bernard of Clairvaux
Bluth, Lynette
Boehme, Jakob
Bolender, Bob
Bonar, Horatius
Boom, Corrie Ten
Booth, Catherine
Boston, Thomas
Bounds, Edward M.
Bouw, Gerardus D.
Brengle, Samuel Logan
Broad, Tony
Bronte, Judith 
Brooks, Thomas
Browne, Thomas
Brother Lawrence
Bruce, A. B.
Bullinger, A. W.
Bunyan, John
Burt, Arthur
Bushnell, Horace

Calvin, John
Carter, T L
Chesterton, Gilbert K
Cheung, Vincent
Chiniquy, Charles
Conley, Bayless
Constable, Thomas L Dr.
Crews, Joe
Cronquist, Royal
Crews, Joe
Cronquist, Royal

Darby, John Nelson
Dead Sea Scrolls
Drummond, Henry

Early Church Documents
Edersheim, Alfred
Edmundson, George
Edmiston, John 
Fension, Mark W
Finney, Charles
Flavel, John
Follette, John Wright
Foxe, John
Fruchtenbaum, Arnold Dr.

Garden of the Heart
Garland, Tony
Ginzberg, Louis
Grubb, Norman
Gurnall, William
Guthrie, William
Guyon, Jeanne

Hegel, G W F
Henry, Gary
Hillman, OS
Hodge, Charles
Home, Henry
Hyles, Jack 

Ignatius, Inigo De
Inge, W R
Ironside, Harry

Josephus, Flavius

Katz, Art
Keathley, III  Hampton, J.
Kempis, Thomas
King, Claude
Kierkegaard, Soren

Lake, John G
Lang, Walter
Law, William
Lewis, C. S.
Lint, Edwin
Lost Books
Luther, Martin
Manton, Thomas
Maclaren, Alexander
Malone, Tom
Mauro, Philip
McArthur, Peter
McMorran, Wayne E.
Mcpherson Retha
Mears, Henrietta C
Meyer, F. B.
Milton, John
Miscellaneous Books
Mokarow, Art
Molinos, Michael D
Moody, D. L.
Morris, Grantley
Mueller, George
Murray, Andrew

Nee, Watchman
Newell, William R.
North, Gary 
Owen, John

Padfield, David
Pascal, Blaise
Penn-Lewis, Jessie
Pierson, Arthur T.
Pink, Arthur
Pittman, Howard
Prince, Derek
Pusey, Edward B.

Ramsay, W. M.
Stedman, Ray C
Renan, Joseph Ernest
Rice, Dr. John R.
Roberson, Dr. Lee E
Robertson, J. C.
Roloff, Evangelist Lester
Rossier, H. L.
Ryle, John C
Saint Augustine
Saint Ephraim of Syria
Saint Francis of Sales
Saint John of the Cross
Saint Teresa of Avila
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Schaff, Philip
Schodde, George H.
Sheldon, Charles M.
Simons, Menno
Singh, Sadhu Sundar
Smith, Hannah Whitall
Sparks, Austin T
Spurgeon, C H
Stedman, Ray C.
Stewart, Tom &Katie
Strong, Augustus Hopkins
Suso, Henry

Tan, Peter
Taylor, Hudson
Taylor, R. A.
Tozer, A. W. 

Vandyke, Henry
Vardaman, Jerry
Virkler, Mark & Patti

Walvoord, John F.
Watson, Thomas
Welch, Charles H.
Werle, Paul
Wesley John
Wiersbe, Warren
Wigglesworth, Smith
Willmington, H. L.
Wuttke, Adolf
Wylie, James Aitken

Younce, Dr. Max D.
Zeller, E Dr.