Singh, Sadhu Sundar

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“In America one sees a good deal of Christianity, but it does not address the spiritual needs of the people.

 Just as salty seawater cannot quench thirst, much of American religion cannot satisfy a spiritually

thirsty person because it is saturated with materialism. Although America is a “Christian” nation and

 there are many sincere Christians in America, the majority of the people there have no faith.

 There, where it is so easy to have religion, where religion is offered on every side and no one is persecuted for their beliefs,

 life should be peaceful. Instead, there is a mad rush and hustle and bustle after money and comfort and pleasure.

 In India, many Christians suffer bitter persecution but continue to find happiness in their new faith.

Because it is so easy to have faith in America, people do not appreciate what a comfort there is in faith.”



At the Masters Feet.doc

Biography of Sadhu Sundar Singh.docx





Sadhu Sundar Singh.pdf

Sadhu Sundar Singh of Sayings and Sermons.docx


