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101324 Biblical Closure Pastor Frank Crank Sun 1030am

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Living Waters Community Church

Welcome to our website.

We are glad that you have taken time out to visit our home on the internet.

 If you are local to our area please feel free to visit us in our meeting place and, if not please peruse our site which is growing.

 Also if you have any questions or need prayer please call us and we will  support you in this.


We are dedicated to:

Maintaining a place for the public worship of God, where Christ is the only Head, Chief Shepherd and High Priest.

Believing the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the Infallible Authority for all doctrine and practice.

Reaching for the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Worshipping the only true and living God in Spirit and in Truth; and celebrating the manifold grace of God extended to all men.

Striving for the fullness of the Spirit-filled life with all the fruit and gifts thereof.

Standing for the faith once delivered to saints, and holding for the Word of Life to all men.

Emphasizing spiritual praise, fervent love, Scriptural balance, and realistic liberty.

Recognizing every born-again believer as a part of the worldwide Body of Christ, and extending the right hand of fellowship to all true Christians everywhere.

Sharing the love of God and the unsearchable riches of Christ with all men everywhere.

Caring for the lost, the sick, and the oppressed; and bringing salvation and spiritual blessings to all people.

Exalting and preaching Christ, and Him crucified, as the Ultimate Answer to all the needs of mankind.

Publishing the Full Gospel of Christ and declaring the whole council of God by all means available.

Assuming our share of the responsibility and privilege in the task of the Great Commission to evangelize the world.

Praying for men to repent and exhorting all to come to Christ.

Looking for that Blessed Hope of the soon-coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sunday  Worship
10:30 AM

Children's Church
@ 11:15 AM

Nightly Prayer in the Sanctuary
Mon., Tues.,Thurs.,5:30 PM till 6:00 PM