The Workers Dream

There was a prominent Christian worker, whose ministry was blessed of the Lord. After a successful Sundays, with a crowded church and good results at the altar, he went home, and , sitting down in a comfortable chair, fell asleep.

Suddenly as angel entered the room, without any preliminary "tap" or "come in". He carried about his person, measures, chemical agents, and implements, which gave him a very strange appearance.

The angel came toward him, and extending his hand, said:

    "How is your zeal?"

He was proud of his zeal and answered, "Fine!" With a feeling of pride and satisfaction, he put his hand to his bosom, brought forth his zeal, and gave it to the angel for inspection. The angel put it in a crucible and put a fire under it until it melted. He then poured it out on the hearth, where it congealed and formed layers. After breaking it in pieces, he put each piece on scales, weighed it, and made the following analysis:


(1) Bigotry----------------------------11 parts
(2) Personal ambition------------------22 parts
(3) Love of praise---------------------19 parts
(4) Pride of denomination--------------15 parts 93 parts wood, hay, stubble. I Cor. 3:11-15
(5) Love of authority-------------------12 parts
(6) Pride of talents---------------------14 parts


(7) Love of God------------------------4 parts Gold, silver, precious stones. I Cor. 3:11-15 Only 7 parts pure zeal
(8) Love of man------------------------3 parts

The Christian worker's anger arose, as he was much disturbed at the analysis, and tried to dispute the correctness of it. But as the angel left the room, he looked back with pity in his eyes, and said: "May God save you!" Conviction seized the heart of the worker, and he fell to his knees, with the paper in his hand. At once it became a mirror, and he saw his heart reflected in it. The record was true. He saw it! He felt it! He confessed it! He deplored it! He prayed more to be saved from himself than he had ever prayed to be saved from hell. He prayed until the refining fire of the Spirit purged him of self, and he became a greater success for God than ever before.

(This article appeared in several other books)

