Taste and See That
the Lord is Good

Imagine a toddler enjoying a candy cane at Christmas. With each lick of the holiday treat, the child's happiness seems to provide insulation from the burdens of the busy season. God plants hope for the future in the innocent and joyful hearts of children.

Perhaps the psalmist had this in mind when he wrote in Psalm 34:8... "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Did you know that the candy cane illustrates the Christmas story of God's love for us through His Son? This legend can help us share the message of the manger with others.

It all began with an Indiana candy maker's inspiration to create a candy reflecting the true meaning of Christmas and the attributes of Jesus' life. Pure white candy became the symbol for the miraculous virgin birth and perfect nature of Jesus. The hard candy stick reflected Christ as the Solid Rock (Psalm 62:1,2) in which we trust, built on the foundation and stability of God's faithfulness.

The clever "J" shape reminds us of the wonderful name of Jesus and depicts the staff of the "Good Shepherd" who is willing to go out of His way to rescue His lost sheep who have strayed.

The candy maker then incorporated red stripes for the redeeming blood shed when Jesus was scourged before being nailed to the cross. The stripes of Jesus, which heal us from sin, were prophesied in Isaiah 53, long before His birth in Bethlehem.

The next time you taste a candy cane, remember this illustration of hope through Christ's perfect love for us. This Christmas season, with childlike joy and faith, take time to "taste and see that the Lord is good."

