from "All the Families of Heaven" by Roger Born, 1998

This story's origin is unknown to me, so my apologies to the owner,
So far, I have met some four or five who claimed it as theirs.

A father and his little girl were walking in the meadow on a bright summer's day.

Because the grass was so high, he began to carry her. There were many flowers
about, and an appropriate number of bees, going about their business.
The little girl loved the pretty flowers, but the bees worried her.
The father could sense this as he walked, so he treaded carefully.

One bee in particular however, was upset by his treading. This bee angrily
charged at them both. The girl screamed and clung to her daddy's neck,
while the father tried to grab the bee with one hand to protect his daughter.
Round and round the angry bee whirrled, looking for a target.

Suddenly the father grabbed the bee in his hand, but the bee escaped and
landed on the little girl's arm. The girl cried to her daddy to get it off of her.
She knew bees could bite!

Her father told her not to cry, because this bee would not bite her.
He told her to brush the bee off her arm, and to not be afraid.
The little girl looked at her daddy, because she had trusted him.
Whatever he said was always true.
She was scared, but with her eyes on his, she shook the bee off her arm,
and it flew away.

She asked him why the bee did not bite her.
Didn't bees always bite?
The father slowly opened his hand to show her why the bee could not bite her.
In the palm of his hand was partially buried the bee's stinger.
As they walked out of the meadow,
she hugged her daddy and cried, for she knew he had taken the bite for her.

You can readily see the moral of this story by looking at your Lord Jesus.
He told you not to be afraid of Satan for a very good reason.
He took the stinger from Satan in his own body so that the evil one could never hurt us.
How wonderful is His love for us to protect us when we could not protect ourselves.
How like a Father to us in his daring sacrifice for us.

Therefore, don't be afraid of your enemy, for he can do you no harm.
Our Lord Jesus had forever rendered him powerless against us, with His crucifixion!.
Since we will live forever with our Lord,
it is well for us to remember the stinger in his palm, and be glad!

