Love Shared

My loved one. As the Lord has shared with me I share with you. Jesus loves you and God is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. He is longsuffering and patient with each of us. Watching over us and arranging to meet needs in ways we cannot see. His timing is always perfect and what He allows us to go through brings us to perfection. You have heard and know that the only way to heaven is in accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. To read His holy word and to pray will help you in your relationship and in growth. You have seen His hand work in your life but you have had to be patient for so many years, waiting out many sorrows to have peace. God is watching over your loved one and desires him to have peace also. In this life we are servants of the most high God if we believe in His Son Jesus Christ and walk as His disciple according to His Word. But some would pervert His word and desecrate what is truth turning it around and making it fit their own purposes. You have seen this in your life and have been hurt by this as your loved one surely has been also. Burdens have been lain on mankind that is not of God but mans perspective. But God has given us a more sure way if we will be obedient. It is with tremendous love from God that I pen this and share with you this from His Spirit to you. His love is higher than this world and deeper than this earth. He knows of our needs and desires but we refuse His divine help when we choose to do it our own way. God is patient and waits us out. God is love and has waited for your loved one. It is with much pleasure that God has all children come to Him that none would be lost. You are familiar with John 3:16 � probably the most quoted verse in the Bible � "For God so loved that world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." God waits and allows man time. But no one lasts forever in their earthen vessels and all come to an end at an appointed time. And so it is with each of us an appointed time to die and then the judgment. To resist God and His calling is eternal darkness away from God. To call upon His name and believe is life eternal. Praise God for His son Jesus and His gift to us of salvation through His glorious plan. There is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved except in the name and person of Jesus Christ. Glory be to God.

And so it is with pleasure I share this with you and knowing your love and all you have been through. And to the one whom has Jesus in their heart their remains an eternal resting place in heaven and unspeakable glories to much for the natural eye or mind to comprehend.

I love you, but only after all these years and much hurt and sorrow because of my own selfish ways and life that God is slowing opening my eyes by His grace and mercy to see and be able to comprehend. Our love is so little compared to Gods immense love. Oh there is always so far to go but suffice it to live one day at a time. I am so sorry you and your loved one had to go through so much but I know that our God sees all and has allowed a deeper work in your lives that only He knows about. I felt I needed to pen this to you and at a later time will as God leads expound more.

I Love you so much

Your Brother

