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Articles to Help You Grow

Why Worry?
The possibility of almost 400 Old Testament prophesies coming to fulfillment in the incarnation of Jesus Christ staggers the imagination. The certainty that God planned the coming of His son into the world can offer stabilizing support to our faith in our Lord.

Insight Knowledge
Our Lord is different—He is not the same inwardly as we are. To know Him we must see below the surface of movements and words. When we respond in faith to our insight-knowledge of Christ, we have a means of godliness.

First Things First
Does today belong to you, or to God? If it does indeed belong to God, then shouldn't you make sure your life is structured accordingly? This is a powerful lesson in formatting our lives to put priorities on the things of greatest value.

Imitating the Incarnation
It is contrary to the deepest spirit of Christianity to put down other Christians. But when conflicts like these arise, how should we as Christians deal with them? Such conflicts are as old as the church, but they have always been an opportunity to learn about humility.

Do You Know Your Rights?
Too many Christians are running scared in their walk with God. One problem is that they simply do not understand the rights God has given them as His sons and daughters. This message puts your rights into perspective.

The Greatest Gift
When God planned the salvation of the entire world, He provided a comprehensive blueprint of how and when He would give the gift of eternal life. This is a comprehensive study of the most significant biblical prophecies concerning the birth of Christ--hundreds of years before this Gift would be given

Dr. Grant C. Richison

Grant Richison is a native of Detroit MI, and a graduate of William Tyndale College, Dallas Theological Seminary and Luther Rice Seminary where he earned degrees of Bachelor of Religious Education, Th.M. (Theology), D.Min. (Ministry).

Grant served two churches in the U.S. and Grant Memorial Baptist Church in Winnipeg, MB for 20 years. That church grew from 300 to 2000 during his pastorate. In the last years of his ministry in Winnipeg, 300-500 people made professions of faith per year. He taught part-time at three Canadian seminaries and served on a number of national boards.

Grant joined Campus Crusade because of his passion for evangelism. Previously the Director of Leadership Ministries, he is presently accomplishing his vision through several ministries of Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada. He also served as the Interim CEO of Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada.

Dr. Richison is available for speaking engagements anywhere in the world.


Dr. Grant C. Richison exposes the mind of God to the mind of man by expounding individual books of God's Word verse by verse.

Today's Word devotionals are copyright ©1995-2002 by Dr. Grant C. Richison.
All rights reserved.
[Freely use this material except for resale].
Edited by Deb Elkink and Beverley Wahl