The Author of Evil
Satan is an angelic personality (would you believe...). He is
one of the most beautiful of creatures. He has no red skin or
horns, no trident (pitchfork), and he does not breathe fire and
brimstone. In fact, fire and brimstone make him shudder, because
he is condemned to the Lake of Fire mentioned in Matt. 25:41.
Satan is more intelligent than any human. His name, Lucifer, means
"great shining light", or "Son of the Morning".
A portrait of Satan and his personality are given by Eze. 28:11-19
and Isa. 14:12-17.
"I will ascend into heaven", a reference to the throne
room of God. Satan wanted to take over God's place.
"I will exalt my throne above the stars of God." Satan
wanted to rule angels.
JOB 38:7
REV. 12:3,4
"I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the
sides of the north." Satan wanted to rule over the Earth.
PSA. 48:2
"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds." Or,
"I will be supreme." He desired to displace God as the
Sovereign of the Universe.
"I will be like the most High." Satan's power lust;
"I will be God."
Satan is called the "father of lies", John 8:44. He
is called a murderer, 1 John 3:8. He is the highest authority
in the cosmos, Eph. 2:2. Even Michael the archangel is no match
for Satan.
Satan fell first at the point of negative volition toward the
sovereignty of God, during the five "I Will's"; Isa.
14; Eze. 28:15.
Satan's second fall will occur at the middle of the Tribulation
when he is denied access to Heaven. Rev. 12:9; Eze. 28:15.
At the end of the millennial reign of Christ, Satan will be cast
into the lake of fire. This will be his final fall. Matt. 25:41;
Rev. 20:10; Eze. 28:18.
LUKE 4:5-7
JOHN 12:31; 14:30; 16:11
2 COR. 4:4
EPH. 2:2
As the ruler of this world, Satan has a strategy regarding the
nations. In basic terms, Satan's desire is to neutralize the Divine
Institutions by means of the destruction of nations. Therefore,
Satan is anti-nationalistic and pro-United Nations, pro-World
Council of Churches, pro-Communist.
REV. 12:9; 20:3,8
Bible truth is Satan's greatest enemy and is the source of the
most powerful attack on his kosmos. Therefore, Satan has designed
revolution to neutralize nationalism which is protective of the
Word of God.
Every human being is born spiritually dead, hence is born as a
member of the kingdom of Satan. Satan has a strategy regarding
every person to keep that person from accepting Jesus Christ as
Saviour. He tries to blind unbelievers to the Gospel.
2 COR. 4:3,4
LUKE 8:12
2 THESS. 2:9,10
The unbeliever is made blind to gospel information by being distracted
by Satan and by exercising negative volition toward the Word of
God. While Satan does not force anyone to be lost, he uses every
means to steer the unbeliever away from the truth. His ultimate
weapons in this are religion and humanism. He tries to promote
the glorification and deification of mankind while downgrading
God Himself. Gen. 3:5; Col. 2:8
Satan doesn't give up when a person accepts Christ as Saviour.
He has a strategy regarding believers which is very subtle and
Satan accuses believers before God. The sins of the Christian
are observed by the fallen angels and reported. In effect, a dossier
is being kept on each believer. He does this to try to hinder
the work of God on earth.However, 1 John 2:1ff points out that
Jesus Christ is our Advocate with the Father; and the Lord reminds
the Father of what happened at the Cross and makes note of the
believer's faith and position in Christ.
REV. 12:9,10
ZECH. 3:1,2
JOB 1:6-11
2 COR. 2:11
Satan tries to keep the believer from the Word of God. He encourages
Christians to ignore the Word and accept false teaching so that
they will revert to their former manner of life.
1 TIM. 4:1
1 COR. 10:19-21
2 COR. 11:3, 13-15
2 CHRON. 21:1
Satan distracts by trying to keep believers from public assembly
worship, Heb. 10:25. He tempts the believer with an improper emphasis
on details of life such as money, success, social life, pleasure,
loved ones, health, sex, materialistic things, or status symbols.
The mature believer knows that his happiness is not derived from
these things, so he is not a slave to them. The novice Christian,
however, may try to gain happiness from such things, and this
will distract him from the Word of God.
False teaching is a part of Satan's strategy. The following are
some of the characteristics of false teachers:
| They have a false facade. Matt. 7:15; Rom. 16:18.
| They court believers. Gal. 4:17,18; 2 Tim. 3:5,7.
| They appeal to human pride. 2 Cor. 10:12
| They promote idolatry because it is a quick way to demon
influence. Hab. 2:18,1
| They promote legalism. 1 Tim. 1:7,8
| The false teachers will continue to operate throughout Satan's
rule on earth. 1 John 4:1
Satan seeks to frustrate the will of God for the believer.
There are three categories of the will of God which Satan tries
to interdict.
| The operational will of God (what God wants us to do); James
4:7,8; Gal. 5:7.
| The mental, or intellectual, will of God (what God wants
us to think): 1 Tim. 4:1.
| The geographical will of God (where God wants us to be):,
1 Thess. 2:18.
Satan encourages believers to worry. Worry neutralizes the
soul of the believer. He tries to frighten Christians with regard
to physical death
1 PETER 5:7-9
HEB. 2:14,15
Satan attempts to change the focus of the believer. Instead of
Occupation with Christ, Satan wants the Christian to be occupied
SELF, (Col. 3:1; 1 Cor. 1:10,11; Gen. 3:4,5; Mt. 26:31-35)
THINGS, (Heb. 13:5,6; 1 Cor. 1:10,11),
PEOPLE, (Jer. 17:5; 1 Kings 19:10; Jer. 17:4).
One of the functions of the Faith-Rest principle is to protect
the Christian in the area of having a proper focus on life.
Emotionalism can lead to great distractions for Christians; so
Satan puts on a big campaign to control people's emotions. While
the emotion is a bona fide function of the soul, whenever emotion
takes precedence over Bible truth, it leads to distraction. Those
who dabble in ecstatic experiences, public or private, are allowing
their feelings and emotions to outweigh doctrine. Under circumstances
of edification and spiritual growth, emotion is a tremendous generator
of happiness. But emotion has no spiritual meaning or connotation;
and emotion cannot be used as a criterion of spiritual condition.
Satan also promotes heavily in the area of mental attitude sins
such as fear, worry, bitterness, desires for revenge, pride, guilt
feelings, lack of love, failure to forgive, hatred, mental adultery,
and so forth. A believer is neutralized by sin; and mental attitude
sins are behind all sin. And they are the worst category because
they are so devastating. As long as mental attitude sin is taking
place, the Word of God is being ignored.
One of Satan's main weapons is religion. The basic aim of religion
is to counterfeit what God is doing. There are several religious
counterfeits mentioned in the Bible.
| A counterfeit gospel. 2 Cor. 11:3,4
| Counterfeit ministers (unsaved, humanists, misled, etc.)
2 Cor. 11:13-15
| Counterfeit doctrine 2 Tim. 4:1
| Counterfeit communion table 1 Cor. 10:19-21
| Counterfeit righteousness Matt. 19:16-18
| Counterfeit manner of life ("living the beautiful life")
Matt. 23
| Counterfeit power 2 Thess. 2:8-10
| Counterfeit gods 2 Thess. 2:3,4
The Bible talks about the Armor of God as enabling the believer
to "stand against the wiles of the devil". This armor
is protection for us while we live in kosmos diabolikos,
and the weapons of our warfare are stronger than Satan as we take
our stand in the Lord Jesus Christ.