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Roman Names

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During the Roman Republic (Senatus Populusque Romanus - SPQR) a Roman citizen's name was made up of four parts,

* praenomen

* nomen

* cognomen

* honorific


Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus Nero

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Gaius Julius Caesar Imperator

Gaius Caesar Augustus (Caligula)

The Praenomen was the person's given name.

The Nomen was the tribal name, hence, Julius Caesar's real first name was Gaius, and he was of the Julian tribe.

The Cognomen was the family name. Nero's family name was Ahenobarbus ("red beard," or "bronze beard"). He was Lucius, of the Domitian tribe, of the family Ahenobarbus. His honorific, Nero, meant "hero" in the Sabine language.

Julius Caesar's fame was so great that his family name became a tribal name -- his family became a recognized Roman tribe. One of the later members of his family was Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, whose legions pushed the boundaries of the Roman Empire to the Rhine River in eastern Europe. Germanicus' wife was Aggripina, for whom the city of Cologne, Germany, was named (in Latin, Colonia Aggripina).

Germanicus' son was also Gaius Caesar Augustus. As a boy he was with his parents encamped with the legions in Germany. His father dressed him in a centurion's uniform with breastplate, shield, sword, and boots. The soldiers called him "Little Boots", or in Latin, Caligula.

The apostle Paul's given name was Saul. His tribal name was the Jewish tribe of Benjamin. His family name was taken from his birthplace, Tarsus. So when he had to use his full name as a Roman citizen, it would be Saulus Benjaminus Tarsus.

Some people has Honorifics, or titles, added to their names as an honor for something they had done.

Scipio won battles in Africa, so he was Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. His nephew was Scipio Asiaticus.

Julius Caesar was the winner of the highest military honor of the Roman Empire during the Republic, that of Imperator. The person so honored was called Imperator. This is the origin of the word "emperor". Thus, he was Gaius Julius Caesar Imperator.

Saul's honorific was "Paul", given to him by a Roman official. So Paul's full name was Saulus Benjaminus Tarsus Paulus.

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