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Loyal Love

by Dr. Glenn Carnagey

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1. This is a study of the Bible doctrine of Loyal Love, taken from the Hebrew words CHASAD, CHESED and CHASIYD.

2. In its concrete earliest application as a noun, the Hebrew word CHASIYD, means "stork". It used in the Bible as a reference to the intense and total loyalty of the stork to its offspring, especially that of the mother stork, hence the concept of Loyal Love.

a. Moses listed the Stork as among the unclean birds not to be eaten by the Jews.

b. There are two basic varieties of Storks:

1) the Black Stork (Ciconia Nigra) and

2) the White Stork (Ciconia Alba).

c. They are noted both for their high flight and for their powerful wings (as used for an analogy with angel wings, Zech 5:9), and for their total devotion to their young.

d. Although normally considered to be a Marsh Bird, storks nest in the trees for maximum safety, as in the Fir trees of Lebanon. Ps 104:17

e. Their life cycle is rigidly regular, with a precise migration pattern to Northern Europe and back to the Middle East. Jer 8:7. They are definitely pluggers!!

f. Because of their close family loyalty, these Birds became proverbial for exhibiting parental love and loyalty, and thus they gave rise to the myth that storks deliver human babies.

3. As a noun, when CHESED is applied to God, the concept originates from God's Attributes.

a. It is most closely associated with God's veracity or truth, EMET, with which the Holy Spirit connects it some twelve times.

b. The motivation to Loyal Love is Love, expressed by the Hebrew term "tender mercies", or RACHMIM in Hebrew.

c. The skeleton of Loyal Love is Immutability or EMUNAH, the concept that God never changes throughout Eternity.

d. Loyal Love is the Counterpart of God's justice, MISHPAT.

e. God's Loyal Love is primarily extended to those who have acquired the perfect righteousness of God through Faith (TSIDKENAH).

f. Loyal Love and goodness are companions to all believers living the Christian Way of Life.

4. The concepts bound up in God's Loyal Love by God are illustrated in Hosea 2:19-21.

5. Thus, as an integral part of God's innate Essence and Attributes, CHESED is vast in extent.

a. Endless extent in time.

b. Endless extent in space.

c. Unlimited extent in value

d. Great in quantity.

6. God's Loyal Love is applied to man as "expressed love" in three ways with reference to application of Love to Men.

a. As covenants or contracts.

b. As covenant acts of loyalty to the nation.

c. As contract acts of loyalty to individuals.

7. God's CHESED is the basis of all protection for the believer in time and in eternity, and is the source of the reverse mantle of cursing on the enemies of the mature believer.

a. God's loyal love is the hedge which functions as the protection of the believer against the hatred of the satanic forces in time in the spiritual warfare.

b. It also provides the wall of fire around the nation of israel.

c. From God's loyal love flow all the blessings of the glory spectrum.

d. To the antagonists of the mature believer god molds an anti-mantle or a mantle of cursing.

8. In line with God's provision for man's protection stands the application of CHESED through the laws of divine establishment.

a. Volition: God's loyal love protects the volition of the believer.

b. Marriage: Through divine redemption God insures that compatible marriage partners find each other.

c. Family: There really isn't any generation gap if the generations grow to maturity by God's grace provisions.

d. National Entities: People are to be loyal to the king or government.

e. The mark of a break-down of the laws of divine establishment in a nation is the loss of freedom in which the CHASIDIM (Loyal Ones) are persecuted, murdered and robbed, while with the government protecting the crooks.

9. Moses formulated a battle cry of loyal love, which must be the hallmark and Standard of any Priest-Nation, in order to accomplish National Survival.

a. Moses originally formulated the concept by portraying God as a warrior leading his nation to freedom.

b. God could also be represented by the Shekinah Glory leading the nation.

c. The Ark of the Covenant later substituted for the Shekinah Glory (The Lord Jesus Christ).

d. DAVID combined all of these together into the Psalm of the Ark (Psalm 139) in the form of the battle cry of loyal love. I Chron. 16:34 & 41

e. SOLOMON reinstituted and repeated his father's Psalm of the Ark and instructed his Temple Musicians to sing it during the dedication of the Temple. They were singing it when the Shekinah Glory appeared over the Temple.

(1) The first statement of the battle cry was during the music that was played before Solomon's sermon while the articles of furniture, including the Ark, were being installed into the Temple. II Chron 5:13-14

(2) The second repetition of the battle cry came after Solomon had completed his Bible class and closing prayer of dedication, when the fire of god came down and consumed the sacrifices. The people echoed the battle cry here. II Chron 7:3,6

f. The other poets of Psalms picked up the battle cry and made it a major theme with variations in their praises to God.

(1) As an introduction to a Psalm, showing all the facets of national and individual life affected by God's Loyal Love. Ps. 107:1

(2) As an introduction to a Psalm recounting the events of the exodus and the negative volition of the Jews during those times. Ps. 106:1

(3) As a frame of a section of a Psalm, containing Laws of Divine Establishment information approving of military victory for the nation that serves God. Ps. 118:1-4,29

(4) As a refrain repeated over and over to emphasize the continuous Loyal Love of God during the events of the Exodus. Ps 136:1-26.

(5) As the climax of a Psalm of praise, almost as a doxology. Ps. 100:5; Ps 138:8

g. Based on his personal doctrinal knowledge that the Ark of the Covenant led the troops to battle in the days of Moses, Joshua and The Judges, and Jehoshaphat appointed singers to sing the Song of the Ark as the army fought the Ammonite-Moabite-Edomite coalition. Hence the battle cry became an integral part of battle strategy for the nation of Israel. II Chron. 20:21

h. During the spiritually degenerating generations just before the exile, Jeremiah prophesied a coming generation which would again be positive and obedient enough to use the Battle Cry of Loyal Love. Jer. 33:11

i. When the Foundation of the Post-Exilic Temple was laid under Ezra, the priests again sang the Psalm of the Ark and quoted the battle cry in victorious exultation. Ezra 3:11

j. Thus the Battle Cry of Loyal Love becomes an appropriate slogan for the saints of all ages who recognize their role in the Angelic Conflict (spiritual warfare).

10. In much the same way that God suggests that His justice should inspire believers to respond with just behavior, so he demonstrates that His loyalty should produce loyalty in us (justice demands justice; loyal love demands loyal love) in all spheres of human relationships.

a. God desires a response of loyalty to Himself, His Word, and His communicators of the Word of God.

(1) God knows all believers who rely on His loyal love. Ps 33:18

(2) As Believers Grow, GOD takes pleasure in those who continually depend upon His loyal love. Ps 147:11

(3) God desires two things from believers: loyal love and knowledge of doctrine. Hosea 6:6

(4) The Lord commands His children to develop loyal love. Hosea 10:12 and 12:7

(5) Failure to respond to God's Loyal Love with your own Loyal Love constitutes A legal breach of contract. Hosea 4:1

(6) Believers fail to respond properly to God because of the short duration of their loyal love towards God. Isaiah 40:5; Hosea 6:4

(7) God honors past generations who operated on loyal love and prophesies a future generation which will do the same. Jeremiah 2:2; Hosea 2:19

(8) Believers then are commemorated in scripture for their response to God's Loyal Love with Loyal Love of their own.

- David and Solomon - II Chronicles 6:42

- Hezekiah - II Chronicles 32:32

- Josiah - II Chronicles 35:26

- Nehemiah - Nehemiah 13;14

b. God Demands Loyal Love between husband and wife.

(1) God sets the Pattern by His Loyal Love to Israel. Hosea 2:19

(2) Husband to Wife: Xerxes to Esther. Esther 2:9; 2:17

(3) Wife to Husband.

- Ruth and Orpah to Mahlon and Chilion - Ruth 1:8

- Ruth to Boaz - Ruth 3:10

(4) This is God's pattern for us even if your spouse is a royal jerk!!! Genesis 20:13

c. However, loyal love of friend to friend is given more biblical space than ALL the others combined and is found throughout the Old Testament.


(a) Loyal Love involves Loyal Love for your friend equal to the love we have for ourselves ( and we all have that!). I Sam 20:17; Prov 11:17

(b) Thus a true friend will stand by his friend under any test and do whatever is necessary for his friend's well being. I Samuel 20:4; Job 6:14

(c) True friendship love includes speaking truth to your friend, even if it is highly unpleasant. Genesis 21:25; Psalm 141:5

(d) Loyal Love in Friendship demands total honesty of action as well as words, and extends even to the point of execution for crime if guilty. I Samuel 20:8

(e) The friendship Loyal Love is based on both friends having a covenant relationship with YAHWEH, thus fulfilling the Principle: Loyalty Demand Loyalty. I Samuel 20:8

(f) Hence a true friend remains loyal under any crisis of his friend, though that loyalty may demand separation during the period of the friend's backsliding (reversionism). I Samuel 20:9-13

(g) Even family relationships are subordinated to this loyal love between friends, when the family member is wrong biblically. I Samuel 20:12-13

(h) Loyal love to a friend extends to his children (family) as well as to himself -forever. I Samuel 20:14-15; II Samuel 9:13

(i) This loyal love is totally devoid of jealousy, hence it involves the ability to shift from first place to second place if the friend is divinely promoted without jealousy or rancor. There should be no jealousy or bitterness over a friend's blessing or promotion. I Samuel 20:14-15

(j) Many acquaintances will trumpet their ostensible loyal love to you, but a truly faithful friend is rare! Proverbs 20:6

(k) Consequently, believers must remain alert and discerning in order to sift between true friends and Jonadabs like Ziba versus Mephibosheth.

(l) When a Jonadab slanders a friend (Jonadab = a self-seeking ingratiating pseudo-friend), the believer should confront his friend in person to ask for the truth face-to-face without assuming his guilt. II Samuel 9:1; 16:1-4; 19:24; 21:7

(2) Illustrations in the Old Testament: roll call of the friendly Old Testament saints!!

(a) Abraham and Abimelech. Genesis 21:23

(b) Joseph and Pharaoh's butler. Gen 40:14; 40:23; and 41:9-13

(c) Rahab with Joshua and Caleb. Joshua 2:12 & 14

(d) The tribes of Joseph to the land of Bethel (Luz). Judges 1:22-26

(e) Saul and Israel to the Kenites. I Samuel 15:6

(f) Abner to Saul and his son Ishbosheth. II Samuel 3:8

(g) Jabesh Gileadites to Saul & Sons. I Samuel 31:11-13; II Samuel 2:5

(h) David to the Men of Jabesh Gilead. II Samuel 2:6-7

(i) David and Jonathan. I Samuel 20:8,14,15

(j) David and Mephibosheth. II Samuel 9:1; 16:1-4; 19:24; 21:7

(k) David to Chanun, Son of Nahash the Ammonite King. II Samuel 10:2; I Chronicles 19:2

(l) Ittai the Gittite to David. II Samuel 15:14-23

(m) Hushai the Archite to David. II Samuel 16:17

(n) David to the Sons of Barzillai the Gileadite. I Kings 2:7

(o) Israelites who were NOT LOYAL to Gideon & His Sons. Judges 8:35

(p) Joash who was NOT LOYAL to Zechariah the son of Jehoiada, the priest who saved his life and his kingdom. II Chronicles 24:22

(q) Ahab who was NOT LOYAL (Pseudo-Loyal) to Ben-Hadad. I Kings 20:31

d. Love of Parents to Children and Children to Parents; extended Family.

(1) Mother to Children - Proverbs 31:26

(2) Father to Children/Children to Father - Genesis 47:29

(3) Cousins to Cousins - Genesis 24:49

(4) Daughter-in-law to Mother-in-law - Ruth to Naomi - Ruth 1:8

11. LOYAL LOVE in all love categories is achieved by growing to spiritual maturity.

a. The younger a person is when he becomes a believer and begins to grow, the longer he has to enjoy God's Loyal Love; hence, start young! Psalm 90:14;

b. The believer must stay in fellowship or restore it quickly in order to grow consistently.

(1) Principle: God always forgives when the believer confesses his sin. Psalm 90:14

(2) Moses states the principles that God's forgiveness is always available. Numbers 14:19

(3) Even when believers must be disciplined, God does so through loyal love, and thus with compassion and applied love. Lam 3:32; Ps 106:45

(4) God's Loyal Love is the only thing that keeps us alive in spite of sinning habitually. Lamentations 3:22

(5) The best illustration is the life of David; he always acknowledged his sins to God. Psalm 25:7; 51:1

c. Believers must be alert and growing tin order to avoid the influence of evil. Proverbs 14:22; Proverbs 16:6

d. Coupled with rebound or confession of sins must be the protection against the influence of evil, and only consistent daily study of God's Word will do the job.

(1) Both sin and evil are defeated by means of God's System for Spiritual Growth. Proverbs 16:6

(2) The Believer must have Positive Volition towards the truth of God's Word. Psalm 119:24

(3) Bible Doctrine which is appropriated (accepted) flows to the Christian's memory. Proverbs 3:3

(4) God responds to positive volition on the part of the believer with a process called "quickening" or spiritual growth for the believer. Psalm 119:159

(5) Application of Bible Doctrine into the believer's life is essential. Psalm 25:10

(6) This Results in the production of divine good (gold, silver, precious stones) in the life of the believer. Psalm 14:22

(7) Tenacious pursuit of God's path to spiritual growth (the Glory Road) provides maturity and loyalty in all categories of Loyal Love. Proverbs 21:21

e. The places at which loyal love can be developed.

(1) Doctrine can be studied in God's classroom (Temple in OT, Local Church in NT). Psalm 48:9

(2) The believer should start his day with doctrine. Psalm 143:8

(3) Loyal Love comforts the believer under testing through God's Word, acquired via face-to-face teaching. Psalm 119:124

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