horizontal rule

The Judgment Seat of Christ

horizontal rule

There are three thrones on which the Lord Jesus Christ will sit.

The Judgment Seat (in heaven) - after the Rapture.

The Throne in Jerusalem (on earth) - in Jerusalem during the Millenium.

The Great White Throne (in heaven) - after the Millenium.

There is a general principle of Scripture that every member of the human race is accountable to God.

God will evaluate every man according to his deeds. Jer. 1710; 3219.

All unbelievers will be evaluated at the Great White Throne. Rev. 2212; Psalm 114.

All believers in Christ will be evaluated at the Judgment Seat. Rev. 2011-15

The Judgment Seat of Christ is an evaluation of a Christian's production during his Christian life on earth. There is no judgment of sin at the Judgment Seat. Believer's sins were judged at the Cross, and Christ was our atonement for sin. 2 Cor. 510

In John 15; Gal. 5, bad deeds (phaulos), refer to actions, which may not be sinful, but which are worthless in the sight of God. These are production which does not measure up to standard. These deeds are human good (wood, hay, stubble), which are produced by believers when they are in a carnal state, not filled with the Spirit, during periods when sin is not being confessed on a regular basis.

Divine good (gold, silver, precious stones) is agathos, which is production by a believer who is walking in fellowship and who is controlled by the Holy Spirit. In fellowship, a Christian will be controlled by the Holy Spirit, will be occupied with Christ, and will live in the Word. The power for his production comes directly from God, not from himself.

All production of the believer (phaulos or agathos) will be evaluated at the Judgment Seat. The instrument of evaluation is fire. The production which is not burned up during the evaluation (the gold, silver, and precious stones) is the basis of rewards for the believer.

1 Cor. 3:11-14

A believer should never try to evaluate another believer's production. "To his own master he stands or falls..."

Matt. 7:1,2; Rom. 14:4

horizontal rule