The Doctrine of Glory
The following is a selection of comments on the word "glory",
(doksos), as used in the Bible.
Glory is used to describe the Essence of God: ROM. 3:23; EPH.
1:17; DEUT. 5:24; PS. 21:5; MT. 16:27: LK. 2:9.
The Lord Jesus Christ is said to possess glory: MK. 10:37.
Glory is used to describe the edification structure in the believer's
soul: EPH. 3:21; COL. 1:27; 1 PET. 1:8; 2 THESS. 2:14. As a believer
receives doctrine, he reflects the Glory of God.
A wife is said to be the glory of her husband: 1 COR. 11:7, 15.
The Grace of God is described as his glory: EPH. 1:6.
The provision of God's grace is also called wealth, "the
riches of His glory": EPH. 1:18; 3:16; PHIL. 4:19.
There is a glory in the future which is beyond human knowledge,
namely, the glory of eternity: 1 TIM. 3:16; HEB. 2:10; 1 PET.
5:10; 2 PET. 1:3.
Human glamour is described as glory, though often in the negative
sense: 1 PET. 1:24; PHIL. 3:19; MT. 6:29.
Glory is used to describe the wonders of the universe: 1 COR.
Glory is used to describe the resurrection body of the believer:
1 COR. 15:43; 2 THESS. 2:14.
The word glory is associated with the presentation of the Church
to the Lord Jesus Christ: HEB. 2:10; MT. 19:28; 24:30; 25:31.