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Demons are fallen angels under the command of Satan,
those who are still free after the Gen. 6 affair. Satan is called the Prince, or
Ruler, of all demons in Matthew 9:34; 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15. Demons are
also called the ministers, or ambassadors of Satan, Luke 4:35; 9:1,42; John
10:21. Satan is brilliant, an administrative genius. He has an excellent
organization, mentioned in Eph. 6:10-12 (READ) The Bible also makes a
distinction between demon possession and demon influence.
Demon possession occurs when an
actual fallen angel, a demon, enters and occupies the body of an unbeliever.
Demons cannot enter the bodies of Christian believers because the Christian's
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Inviting demons can be accomplished in a
number of ways.
* Through idolatry (Satan's communion table), 1 COR.
* Through drug addiction, called in Greek,
farmakeia, "the use of drugs,
potions, or spells; poisoning, witchcraft, sorcery" GAL. 5:20 ("witch-craft,
sorcery"), cf. also REV.9:21; 18:23.
* Through religious backsliding, religious sensitivity
activities such as dabbling in the occult, consulting mediums, necromancy. cf.
ISA. 8:19.
Demon Influence is the
residence of evil in the soul; can be unbeliever (ROM. 1:23) or believer. This
is the method that Satan uses to trap and neutralize the believer, by
introducing, if allowed, the Doctrine of Evil inside the soul of the born-again
believer. Demon influence in the believer comes about in the later stages of
negativity, or backsliding.
The first stage of backsliding is some kind of reaction to
life -- whether discouragement, disillusion, disenchantment, boredom, self-pity,
loneliness, frustration, instability, pride complex and various sins of
arrogance, revenge tactics, reaction to contemporary events or social pressures,
etc. Whatever causes it, the reaction stage makes one very vulnerable to the
attacks of Satan. This is not the entrance into demon influence, at this point,
but merely vulnerability to it.
The second stage of backsliding is the frantic search for
happiness following the trends of the Sin Nature (towards asceticism or
lasciviousness). This also increases vulnerability, especially as one moves away
from the protection of doctrine and Grace provision.
The third stage intensifies the reaction stage, but still
has only the potentiality, not the actuality, of demon influence. It is at the
fourth stage of backsliding, in which the soul is in revolt emotionally, where
the possibility of demon influence comes in. Doctrinal content is located in the
mentality of the soul (including standards, conscience, frame of reference,
memory center, vocabulary, doctrinal storage under edification, and the area of
applied doctrine resulting in production of divine good). It is the lack of
doctrinal content which is the primary factor in vulnerability to demon
The soul also has its area of response to outside
influences, centered in the emotions of the soul. Emotion has no doctrinal
content, no character of its own, no spiritual content, no ability to think or
rationalize, or even to use common sense. It is designed to respond; it is not
designed to lead or initiate anything. The tongues movement is an illustration
of the soul's emotions being led about by falsehood. Sometimes believers in the
tongues movement are under demon influence. Sometimes unbelievers are actually
demon possessed.
The thing that opens the door for demon influence in the
life of the believer is negative volition toward the Word of God. The believer
says "Negative" to doctrine and opens up a vacuum in his soul. Whatever evil is
in the neighborhood will be picked up -- false teaching, TV, newspaper...
Regardless of what causes the negative attitude, the effect
is the same. It may be antagonism or a negative attitude or personality conflict
with the pastor, or with other members of the congregation. It may be apathy or
indifference to teaching. It may be failure to use Grace provision, Faith Rest,
or inability to handle prosperity, slavery to the details of life. Whatever it
is, negative volition opens up the emptiness of the soul.
As a result of evil in the soul, there is demon influence,
the "darkness in the soul" of Eph. 4. There is the infiltration of the doctrines
of Satan into the soul of the reversionistic person (believer or unbeliever).
Here, the believer is "worshipping and serving the creature rather than the
There are two systems for demon possession of the
unbeliever. The first is the unlawful isolation of dormant facilities. The body
is brought under the control of the soul, and the soul has been given to Satan.
It is like a conversion in reverse. Seances, or the ceremony called the Satanic
mass, are means by which this is accomplished. This person becomes a disembodied
spirit or an "adept". All of the activities of supernaturalism may be attributed
to this; mental telepathy, spiritism, out of body experiences.
The second system is passive submission to demons. This can
be accomplished through idolatry, through drugs, or other means. In the ancient
world, the various oracles used this means in attempting to predict the outcome
of events. (The "mephitic vapors" of the oracle of Delphi, which was some form
of narcotic gas.) Another example is the Hindu "soma" mysteries, and the various
sutras of Indian religions. There are also various systems of mesmerism or
hypnotism, whether induced by one's self or another person, such as Whirling
Dervishes, or unbelievers involved in the tongues movement.
Demonism is directly related to idolatry and thus to human
sacrifice Ps. 136:37,39. Sacrifices to demons were prohibited by law in Lev.
17:7, "And they shall no longer sacrifice to the goat demon (or satyr) with
which they shall play the harlot. This will be a permanent law in every
generation." Or in Deut. 32:17, "They sacrifice to demons, not gods, new things
which came lately which your ancestors did not fear." Heathen nations worship
demons, acc. to Ps. 96:5, "For all the gods of the peoples are idols (daimonia
in LXX)." It was thoroughly understood that idolatry meant demons. Capital
punishment by stoning was the penalty for witchcraft, demonism, etc.
The judgment against Egypt concerning the death of the
first-born was also a judgment against the demons in Egypt. Ex. 12:12, "For I
will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the
first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the demons
of Egypt I will execute judgment; I am Jehovah." Num. 33:4, "While the Egyptians
were burying all their firstborn whom the Lord had struck down among them, the
Lord had also executed judgment against their demons."
Demons are powerless to change the course of history. Isa.
19:3, "Then the spirits of the Egyptians will become demoralized within them;
also, I will frustrate their strategy, so that they will resort to idle demons
and to the ghosts of the dead and to mediums and to spiritists." Demonism is
always subject to the justice of God and is always judged in its various forms.
The reason why the Canaanites were removed from the land is
that they practiced demonism. Deut. 18:9-12 (READ). In the reign of King
Manasseh, evil is associated with demonism, 2 Kings 21:2-16. Demonism brings the
discipline of total destruction to a nation, Isa. 47; Jer. 27:6-10; Isa. 29:4.
Satan and demons are often used by God in the
administration of the sin unto death to reversionistic believers. Ex. Hymenaeus
and Alexander, I Tim. 1:19,20. The believer committing incest in 1 Cor. 5:5 was
turned over to Satan, but it was so painful that he repented.
Satan's power of death is mentioned in four categories. He
has the power of death, Heb. 2:14,15; 1 John 3:8. He killed Job's children, Job
1:12,18,19. He motivated Cain to murder Abel, John 8:44; 1 John 3:12.
Satan is a source of disease. Satan produced the illness in
Job, Job 2:6,8. Satan uses demons to produce disease in human beings. There is
therefore the principle of demon-induced illness, Matt. 12:22; Luke 13:16; Acts
10:38. Certain mental diseases, and illness which are related to abnormal
behavior, may be demon induced. Dumbness and deafness, Mark 9:17; Luke 11:14;
Matt. 11:22. Certain forms of epilepsy, Mark 1:26; 9:20; Luke 4:35. Satan is the
source of at least ten different types of abnormal behavior which are mentioned
in the Bible.
Convulsions, Mark 1:26.
Violence, Matt. 8:28.
Abnormal strength, Mark 5:4.
Raving, Mark 5:5
Self-mutilation, Mark 5:5
Foaming at the mouth, Mark 9:20
Public nakedness, Luke 8:27
Living among corpses, Mark 5:3
A type of grinding of the teeth, Mark 9:18
Falling into fires and throwing oneself into dangerous things, Matt. 17:15
Satan also heals. He heals by the withdrawal of demons
and establishes the credentials for some of his evangelists. In Acts 19:11,12
legitimate healing by God was used to establish apostolic authority. On the
other hand, healing was used by Satan in a similar way, II Thess. 2:9; Rev.
16:14; Matt. 24:24.
Satan wanted to punish Peter by using demons. Luke 22:31,32
(READ). Peter had denied Christ, and Satan had the audacity to suggest how the
justice of God should function toward Peter. Of course the Lord refused this.
I Tim. 3:6,7 (READ)-- Satan is used as a warning for
The power of Satan is summarized in Psalm 109:6-13 (READ).
He can blind true religion, shorten life (where God permits), remove people from
authority, can kill, can persecute children, remove wealth, turn everyone
against you, he can cut off posterity to the second generation. So certain
powers are permitted Satan as the "ruler of this world", but they are always
under the sovereignty of God.