The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is eternal God. As a member of the Trinity, He
is co-equal with God the Father and with God the Holy Spirit. That is, He has
the same essence as God the Father. (See Topic: Essence of God) Jesus Christ has
all of the divine attributes that God the Father has, including :
- Eternity -- ISA. 9:6; MICAH 5:2; JOHN 1:1,2; 8:58.
- Immutability -- HEB. 1:10-12, (CF. MAL. 3:6 AND PS.
102:25-27); HEB. 13:8
- Omnipotence -- PHIL. 3:21; REV. 1:8; I COR. 15:25
- Omniscience -- JOHN 2:25; 6:64; 10:15; 21:17.
- Omnipresence -- EPH. 1:23; JOHN 14:23 (CF. LEV. 26:12);
MT. 18:20;
- Life -- JOHN 1:4; 5:26; 10:10; 14:6; HEB. 7:16.
- Truth -- JOHN 14:6; REV. 3:7
- Righteousness -- LUKE 1:35; JOHN 6:69; HEB. 7:26
- Love -- JOHN 13:1,34; I JOHN 3:16.
In addition, the prerogatives of deity are ascribed to Jesus
Christ :
- He is the creator of all things, JN. 1:3,10; COL. 1:16;
HEB. 1:10.
- He is the preserver of all things, HEB. 1:3; COL. 1:17.
- He pardons sins, LUKE 5:24; COL. 3:13.
- He raised the dead, and He will raise the dead, II COR.
1:9; JOHN 5:21 JOHN 5:28,29; 11:25
- He rewards the saints, II COR. 5:10
- The judgment of the world is committed to Him, JN 5:22;
REV. 20:12
- Worship belonging only to God is freely rendered to
Christ: JOHN 5:22; LUKE 24:52; I COR. 1:2; JOHN 14:13,14.
JOHN 5:18-23 expresses the equality of Jesus Christ with
the Father.
v 18, equal in being
v 19, equal in works (what the Father does, the Son does)
v 21, equal in power (in terms of giving life)
v 22, equal in authority,
v 23, equal in honor.