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One Year Through The Bible

These are studies to help you get acquainted with Gods precious word to us to grow and live the life He made available to us by His passion

on the cross for our sins thereby justifying the one that receives what He has made available in Himself by His blood shed on the cross.

Remember Acts 17:11Act 17:11

"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

Always examine all things in the light of Gods word not taken out of context.



All of the authors of Grace Notes materials have made their studies available free of charge; and they pray that they will receive the widest possible distribution to people who love to study the Bible. Therefore, we make no restrictions on copying the articles, except that we ask that you do not publish any of them for sale. Many people have duplicated lessons and complete studies for Sunday School classes, home schooling curricula, cell churches, home Bible study classes, etc. So feel free to make full use of Grace Notes.

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WEEK Bible Chapters



Week 1

Genesis 1 to 15

Week 2

Genesis 16 to 39

Week 3

Genesis 40-50; Job 1-13

Week 4

Job 14-37

Week 5

Job 38-42; Exodus 1-20

Week 6

Exodus 21-40

Week 7

Leviticus 1-27; Psalm 95

Week 8

Numbers 1-20; Psalm 90, 91

Week 9

Numbers 21-36; Deuteronony 1-6

Week 10

Deuteronomy 7-28

Week 11

Deuteronomy 29-34; Joshua 1-15

Week 12

Joshua 16-24; Judges 1-16

Week 13

Judges 17-21

Week 14

1 Samuel 17-24

Week 15

1 Samuel 25-31; 2 Samuel 1-6; various Psalms

Week 16

2 Samuel 7,8; various Psalms

Week 17

2 Samuel 9-15; various Psalms

Week 18

2 Samuel 16-19; various Psalms

Week 19

2 Samuel 20-24; 1 Kings 1-8; various Psalms

Week 20

Proverbs 1-31

Week 21

Ecclesiastes 1-14

Week 22

1 Kings 9-22; 2 Kings 1-4

Week 23

2 Kings 5-14; Joel 1-3; Amos 1-6

Week 24

Amos 7-9; 2 Kings 15-18; Hosea 1-14; Psalm 44

Week 25

2 Kings 19; Isaiah 1-14; various Psalms

Week 26

Isaiah 13-37

Week 27

Isaiah 36-57

Week 28

Isaiah 58-66; Micah 1-7; Nahum 1-3; 2 Kings 20,21

Week 29

Zephaniah 1-3; Habakkuk 1-3; 2 Kings 22-25; Obadiah; Jeremiah 1-5; various Psalms

Week 30

Jeremiah 6-13; various Psalms

Week 31

Psalms 102,130; Jeremiah 14-33

Week 32

Jeremiah 32-52; Lamentations 1-5

Week 33

1 Chronicles 1-23

Week 34

1 Chronicles 24-29; 2 Chronicles 1-16

Week 35

2 Chronicles 17-36; various Psalms

Week 36

2 Chronicles 33-36; Ezekiel 1-21

Week 37

Ezekiel 22-48

Week 38

Ezekiel 40-48; Daniel 1-12; Ezra 1; Psalms 95, 126, 137

Week 39

Ezra 2-4; Haggai 1,2; Zechariah 1-6; various Psalms

Week 40

Zechariah 7-14; Ezra 5-8; various Psalms

Week 41

Ezra 9,10; Esther 1-10; Nehemiah 1-6; various Psalms

Week 42

Nehemiah 7-13; Malachi 1-4; Matthew 1-12; various Psalms

Week 43

Matthew 11-28; Mark 1-7

Week 44

Mark 2-16; Luke 1-20

Week 45

Luke 21-24; John 1-21

Week 46

Acts 1-14; James 1-5; Galatians 1-3

Week 47

Galatians 4-6; Acts 15-20; 1 Thessalonians 1-5; 2 Thessalonians 1-3; 1 Corinthians 1-12

Week 48

1 Corinthians 13-16; 2 Corinthians 1-13; Romans 1-8

Week 49

Romans 6-16; Acts 19-28; Ephesians 1-6

Week 50

Ephesians 5,6; Philippians 1-4; Colossians 1-4; Hebrews 1-13

Week 51

Philemon; 1 Peter 1-5; 2 Peter 1-3; 1 Timothy 1-6; Titus 1-3; 2 Timothy 1-4

Week 52

1 John 1-5; 2 John; 3 John; Jude; Revelation 1-12

Week 53

Revelation 13-22