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Life of Christ

These are studies to help you get acquainted with Gods precious word to us to grow and live the life He made available to us by His passion

on the cross for our sins thereby justifying the one that receives what He has made available in Himself by His blood shed on the cross.

Remember Acts 17:11Act 17:11

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Always examine all things in the light of Gods word not taken out of context.




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Lesson 101
Historical Introduction
Rome at the Time of Christ
The Four Gospels
Lesson 102
Jesus Christ in Eternity Past
The Genealogy of Christ
Lesson 103
Chronology of the Life of Christ
The Birth of John the Baptist
The Song of Mary
The Birth of Christ
Lesson 104
The Night Before Christmas
Christ and the Shepherds
The Circumcision and Presentation of Christ
The Visit of the Magi
The Flight to Egypt and Return to Israel
The Early Life of Christ
The Event at the Temple
Lesson 105
Jesus' Young Adulthood
Preparing the Way of the Lord (Isaiah 40)
Jesus and John the Baptist
Lesson 106
The Wilderness Temptation of Christ
Jesus' First Followers
Lesson 107
The Wedding at Cana of Galilee
The Divine Guidance of Jesus Christ
The First Cleansing of the Temple
Lesson 108
Nicodemus and Christ
The Accession of John the Baptist
Lesson 109
The Samaritan Woman
Jesus' Galilean Ministry
Lesson 110
Jesus Ministry and Rejection at Nazareth

Lesson 201
The Official Calling of the Disciples
The Twelve Disciples
Teaching in the Synagogue of Capernaum
The Healing of Peter's Mother in Law
The Second Recall of the Four Disciples
Lesson 202
Cleansing of a Leper
Forgiving and Healing a Paralytic
The Call of Matthew
Matthew's Banquet for Christ
The Dispensational Change
John Chapter 5
Lesson 203
Sabbath Review
John 5:19-47 Outline
Another Sabbath Controversy
Healing on the Sabbath
Lesson 204
Transition to the Sermon on the Mount
The Beatitudes
Waiting for the Kingdom
Christ and the Law of Moses
Lesson 205
The Law in the Kingdom of Christ
Judicial Punishment
Lesson 206
Love Your Enemies
Invisible Impact of Christians
The Lord's Prayer
Fasting - Christ's Comment
Lesson 207
Grace Provision
Judge Not
Lesson 208
Sermon on the Mount - Conclusion
Christ and the Centurion
Lesson 209
The Raising of the Widow's Son
Christ on John the Baptist
Lesson 210
The Woes upon Chorazin and Bethsaida
The Easy Yoke

Lesson 301
The Sinful Woman Forgiven
The Women's Auxiliary
Lesson 302
Christ Casting Out Demons
The Demand for a Sign Refused
Lesson 303
Jesus' Mother and Brothers
Parables, an Introduction
Parable of the Sower
Lesson 304
Parable of the Seed
Parable of the Tares
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Lesson 305
The Remaining Parables
Calming the Storm
Lesson 306
The Demons and the Swine
The Healing of Jairus' Daughter
Lesson 307
Healing Incidents
Christ Returns to Nazareth
The Final Galilean Ministry
Lesson 308
The Commissioning of the Twelve
Lesson 309
Herod and John the Baptist
Lesson 310
The Beheading of John the Baptist
Jesus' Withdrawal from Galilee
The Feeding of the Five Thousand