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These are studies to help you get acquainted with Gods precious word to us to grow and live the life He made available to us by His passion

on the cross for our sins thereby justifying the one that receives what He has made available in Himself by His blood shed on the cross.

Remember Acts 17:11Act 17:11

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Always examine all things in the light of Gods word not taken out of context.



All of the authors of Grace Notes materials have made their studies available free of charge; and they pray that they will receive the widest possible distribution to people who love to study the Bible. Therefore, we make no restrictions on copying the articles, except that we ask that you do not publish any of them for sale. Many people have duplicated lessons and complete studies for Sunday School classes, home schooling curricula, cell churches, home Bible study classes, etc. So feel free to make full use of Grace Notes.

If you are using Grace Notes to teach classes, or you distribute things to others, I would like to hear about it. It is always a blessing to hear how the Lord is using these lessons.

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Foundations 100 Topics
Lesson 101
Lesson 101 Quiz
Personal Preparation; The Bible; Historical Overview
Lesson 102
Lesson 102 Quiz
A Chronological Overview; Preparing to Study the Bible
Lesson 103
Lesson 103 Quiz
Interpret Based on Divine Essence; Interpret Christologically; Interpret the Differences
Lesson 104
Lesson 104 Quiz
Interpret to Find Out How to Live; Interpret From Primary Passages; Interpret Based on Context
Lesson 105
Lesson 105 Quiz
Interpret Comparatively; Interpret Harmoniously; Interpret Literally
Lesson 106
Lesson 106 Quiz
Interpret Recognizing Human Volition; Interpret Progressively; Interpret Dispensationally
Lesson 107
Lesson 107 Quiz
Interpret Covenantally; Interpret Specifically; Interpret Prophecy Carefully
Lesson 108
Lesson 108 Quiz
Getting Familiar with the Book; Make an Outline of the Book; Narrow the Scope of Your Study
Lesson 109
Lesson 109 Quiz
Looking for the Relationships; Analyzing the Remote Context
Lesson 110
Lesson 110 Quiz
Expanding Your Study; Making the Points

Foundations 200 Topics
Lesson 201
Historical Overview of the Bible
Lesson 202
Survey: Genesis to Deuteronomy
Lesson 203
Survey: Joshua to Esther
Lesson 204
Survey: Job to Song of Solomon
Lesson 205
Survey: Isaiah to Daniel
Lesson 206
Survey: Hosea to Malachi
Lesson 207
Survey: Matthew to John
Lesson 208
Survey: Acts to Colossians
Lesson 209
Survey: 1 Thessalonians to Hebrews
Lesson 210
Survey: James to Revelation