011 Jesus and the Children,

Two Sisters (Mary and Martha)


Jesus and the Children

       Little  children  were  brought  to Jesus.
 Mothers  wanted  him  to  put  his  hands
on  them.
      The  helpers  said, "Send  those children
      Jesus  said, " Let  the  little  children
come to  me.  Everyone  should  be  as they
      He  placed  his  hands  on  them  and
blessed them.

                           Two Sisters

        Mary  and  Martha  were  sisters.  Jesus
was  their  best  friend.  Once  he came  to  their
house.  Martha  was  very busy  cooking  the
meal.  Mary  was busy  hearing  the  words
of Jesus.
       Martha  said, "Lord,  tell  her  to  help
      Jesus  said, "Only  one  thing  is needed.
Mary  wants  to  hear  my words.  She  has
chosen  what  is  better. "


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