Unit 33 - Peter

Name __________________________ Date ___________________

                                                   Unit 33 - Peter

Bible Words
 Beautiful Gate
Multisyllable Words
Compound Words



            Peter and John were at the Beautiful Gate.  A beggar sat there.  He thought they

 would give him some money.  Peter had no silver or gold, but he gave the man something


            Peter said, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk."

            The man was healed and praised God.

                                                               Spelling Exercises

1.Write the name for Jesus that you see in the story.


2. Find 6 words that can name people.  Some are common nouns and some are proper nouns.

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3. Find 2 words that tell about a time of day.

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4. Put the phonogram words in alphabetical order. ________________________

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                                                      Use the Verbs

Choose 2 verbs.   Write one declarative sentence. 
          Write one interrogative  sentence. 





This story about Peter and John can be found in the Bible in Acts 3:1-12

Peter - page 2


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