Unit 26 - Jesus and the Children

Name ____________________________ Date _________________________
                                                        Unit 26 - Jesus and the Children

Multisyllable Words
Bible Words


                                                 Jesus and the Children

             Little children were brought to Jesus.  Mothers wanted him to put his 

  hands on them.

             The helpers said, "Send those children away!"

             Jesus said, " Let the little children come to me.  Everyone should be as they are."

             He placed his hands on them and blessed them.

                                                        Spelling Exercises

1. Some plurals do not end with s. Write the plural of child.  ____________________

2. Find 3 plurals that do end with s.

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

3. Write 2 past tense verbs.

________________________    _______________________ 

4. Write a sentence using some of the Trickster words.  Use quotation marks.



5. Write brought.  _________________________  Change the br to b, f. and  th  to 

make 3 new words.

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

                                                      Use the Verbs

Choose 2 verbs.   Write one  imperative  sentence.
          Write one  interrogative sentence.





This story that shows how Jesus loves children can be found in the Bible in the book of
Matthew, chapter 19, verses 13-15.

The Jesus and the Children - page 2


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