Unit 25 - The Lost Son

Name ___________________________ Date ________________________

                                                         Unit 25 - The Lost Son

Short Vowel Words
Multisyllable Words
 (has) shown

Bible Words



                                                             The Lost Son

             Jesus told stories called parables.  One story was about a man's son who left 

 home.  His father was good to him, but he was not happy.  He went to a land

 far from home.  He spent all his money.  He needed food.

             He said, "I will go home to Father."

             He went home.  His father was glad to see him.  He hugged him and

 gave him gifts.

             God loves us in the same way.

                                                   Spelling Exercises

1. Write 3 plural words. _________________, _________________, ______________

   Write the singular of the word  which uses the Y spelling rule. ____________________

2. Which word ending in ed uses the 1-1-1 spelling rule?  ______________________

3. Write  the phonogram words in alphabetical order

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

4. Write the Bible words 3 times each.

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

                                                       Use the Verbs

Choose 2 verbs.   Write one declarative sentence.
          Write one  interrogative sentence.





Find the story of the Prodigal Son in your Bible in the book of
Luke, chapter 15, verses 11-32.

The The Lost Son - page 2


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