Unit 24 - The Big Storm

Name _____________________________________ Date ________________________

                                                 Unit 24 - The Big Storm


Special Sounds

Multisyllable Words
Short Vowels




                                                            The Storm

             Jesus got into the boat.  His followers were with him.  A great storm came on the 

  lake.  Jesus was asleep.

             His followers said, "Lord, save us! We're going to die!"

             Jesus said, "Why are you afraid?"

            He spoke to the wind  and it stopped blowing.  He spoke to the water and it 

 became still.

                                                    Spelling Exercises

1. Write a word that begins with the schwa sound. (The a has the sound of short u.)


2. Write the "Special Sounds" words that have the long o sound before 2 consonants

at the end.

_____________________   _______________________   _________________

3. Write the  contractions. 

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

Write the words which were shortened to make the contractions.

_________   _________,     ___________   __________,  ____    _____    __________

4. Put the mutlisyllable words in ABC order.( You will need to look at the 4th letter on some of them.)

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

                                                          Use the Verbs

Choose 2 verbs.   Write one declarative sentence.
          Write one  interrogative sentence.





You can find the story about how Jesus stopped the storm in your Bible in the book of
Matthew, chapter 8, verses 23-27, and also in Mark, chapter 4, verses 35-41.

The Storm - page 2

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