Unit 19 - Three Brave Boys

Name ____________________________ Date ________________________
                                                              Unit 19 - Three Brave Boys

Bible Words

Special Sounds
 kind        find
 cold        told

Multisyllable Words

Short Vowel




                                                            Three Brave Boys

             The king wanted everyone to bow down to the idol made of gold.  Three Hebrew 

 boys would  not bow down.

             The king said, " Put them in the fire!"

             Men threw them into the hot fire.  The fire did not even burn them!  God had sent

his angel to help them.

                                                    Spelling Exercises

1. Write the plural word. (It means more than one.)  _____________________ 

2. Write the spelling word with the vowel sound you hear in cow.  ________________ 

 3 . Put the words of more than one syllable in ABC order. _________________________

_____________________   _______________________   _______________________

_____________________   _______________________   _______________________

4. Write  the Bible words  3 times.

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

5. Find words that begin with: the long e sound, __________________________

   the long i  sound. ____________________ the short e sound. __________________

                                                    Use the Verbs

Choose 2 verbs.   Write one declarative sentence.  End it with a period.
          Write one interrogative sentence.  End it with a question mark.





The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego can be found in your Bible in the
book of Daniel, chapter 3.

Three Brave Boys - page 2

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