Unit 17 - The Test (Elijah)

Name __________________________ Date _______________________

                                                                 Unit 17 - The Test (Elijah)

Short Vowel Words
Bible Words


Multisyllable Words
 (has) spoken


                                                                      The Test

             Elijah spoke for God to the people.  Some of them did not serve God.  They 

 prayed to Baal.

             Elijah said, "Let's have a test.  We'll see who will answer."

             God did hear his prayer.  He sent fire to show that he was the true God.

             The people said, "The Lord - he is God."

Spelling Exercises

1. Choose 3 words from the Phonograms box  that begin with consonant blends. Write them.

________________________    _______________________   ____________________

2. Find one word that has a final  consonant blend. ____________________________

3. Words that have the same meaning are called synonyms.   Find words that are

synonyms for help __________________, reply _______________________

listen _______________________________

4. Put the Trickster words  in ABC order.

________________________    _______________________   ___________________


5.  Write each Bible word  3 times. 

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

________________________    _______________________   ___________________

                                                  Use the Verbs

Choose 2 verbs.   Write one declarative sentence.  End it with a period.
          Write one exclamatory sentence.  End it with an exclamation mark!





Read the story of  the prophet Elijah in your Bible in the book of
First KIngs, chapter 18, verses 16-46.

The Test - page 2

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