Unit 13 - Ruth

Name ______________________________ Date ________________________
                                                                    Unit 13 - Ruth



Multisyllable Words
Bible Words



            Did Ruth love her mother-in-law?  Yes, she loved her.  She wanted to move with 

 her to a new land.  She would work to get food for them.

            Boaz said, "You're a good woman.  I want to marry you."

                                                            Spelling Exercises

1. Use the word you're in a sentence. It means you are.


  Use the word your in a sentence.  It means belonging to you.


2. Put the Trickster words in ABC order.

________________________      _____________________  _______________________

________________________      _____________________  _______________________

3.  Write 2 words that have the sound of   /sh/  as in ship.

    ___________________________     _______________________________

4. Write the word with a hyphen (-) 3 times.  It is a special kind of compound word.

 ____________________________________   _________________________________


                                                     Use the Verbs

Choose 2 verbs.   Write one declarative sentence.  End it with a period.
          Write one interrogative sentence.  End it with a question mark.





 The story of Ruth can be found in the Bible in the book of Ruth, chapters 1-4.

 Ruth  - page 2

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