A Biblical View

Gary North


1. The Reality of Conspiracies
2. The People's Will
3. The Conspiracy's Theology
4. Two Kinds of Conspiracy
5. Court Historians
6. Maverick "Insider" Historians
7. The Shift in the Climate of Opinion
8. Replacing Evil With Good
Appendix: Monitoring the Elite's Public Faces
Gary North's Free E-Mail Newsletters


This book is dedicated to

Antony Sutton
Otto Scott

who did their homework, published their findings, and paid the price.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

North, Gary
Conspiracy: a biblical view / Gary North. – 2nd ed.

Originally written as the prologue ired epilogue to: Call It Conspiracy / Larry Abraham. c1985. Then it was published as a separate work, slightly revised in 1986. This edition is minus one chapter from the original.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-930462-11-4

1. Dominion theology. 2. History (Theology). 3. Conspiracies. 4. lnternational organization. 5. Council on Foreign Relations. 6. Trilateral Commission. 7. World politics—20th century. 8. United States—Politics and government—20th century. 9. Decentralization in government. I. Title

BT82.25.N673 1996

Published by:
Dominion Press
P. O. Box 7999
Tyler, TX 75711

Other Books by Gary North

Marx's Religion of Revolution (1968, 1989)

An Introduction to Christian Economics (1973)

Puritan Economic Experiments (1974, 1988)

Unconditional Surrender (1981, 1988, 1994)

Successful Investing in an Age of Envy (1981 )

The Dominion Covenant: Genesis (1989, 1987)

Government by Emergency (1983)

Backward, Christian Soldiers? (1984)

75 Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray You Won't Ask (1984)

Coined Freedom (1984)

Moses and Pharaoh (1983)

The Sinai Strategy (1986)

Conspiracy: A Biblical View (1986)

Honest Money (1986)

Fighting Chance (1986), with Arthur Robinson

Unholy Spirits: Occultism & New Age Humanism (1986)

Dominion and Common Grace (1987)

lnherit the Earth (1987) Liberating Planet Earth (1987)

Healer of the Nations (1987)

The Pirate Economy (1987)

Is the World Running Down ? (1988)

When Justice Is Aborted (1989)

Political Polytheism (1989)

The Hoax of Higher Criticism (1990)

Tools' of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus (1990)

Victim's Rights (1990)

Westminster's Confession (1991 )

Christian Reconstruction (1991), with Gary DeMar

The Coase Theorem (1992)

Politically Incorrect (1993)

Salvation Through Inflation (1993)

Rapture Fever (1993)

Tithing and the Church (1994)

Leviticus: An Economic Commentary (1994)

Baptized Patriarchalism (1995)

Crossed Fingers: How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church (1996)